Applied Stochastic and Statistical Modelling Lab (SSL)
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Vahid Sarhangian
Associate Professor, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Email: sarhangian AT mie DOT utoronto DOT ca |
About me
I am an Associate Professor at the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE) department, and the Director of the Centre for Healthcare Engineering (CHE) at the University of Toronto. I did my PhD studies in Operations Management and Statistics at the Rotman School of Management at University of Toronto. Before joining MIE, I was a Postdoctoral Research Scholar at the division of Decision, Risk, and Operations at Columbia Business School.
My current research focuses on data-driven modelling and control of stochastic dynamical systems that arise in healthcare operations and supply chain management.
- Working papers
- W. Xing, Y. Hu, A. Kalvit, V. Sarhangian, Online learning for dynamic service mode control.
- J. Dong, B. Gorgulu, V. Sarhangian, Multiclass queue scheduling under slowdown: An approximate dynamic programming approach.
- T. C. Y. Chan, J. Park, V. Sarhangian, Robust confidence bands for stochastic processes using simulation.
- T. C. Y. Chan, J. Park, V. Sarhangian, Dynamic transfer policies for parallel queues.
- Jangwon Park: Second place, 2024 CORS Queueing and Applied Probability SIG Student Paper Competition
- P. Afeche, J. Hu, R. Ibrahim, V. Sarhangian, The effects of information granularity on abandonment and congestion in non-stationary priority queues.
- T. C. Y. Chan, J. Park, F. Pocagar, V. Sarhangian, E. Hellsten, F. Razak, A. Verma, Optimizing inter-hospital patient transfer decisions during a pandemic: a queueing network approach.
- Jangwon Park: First place, 2024 CORS Healthcare SIG Student Paper Competition
- P. Afeche, V. Sarhangian, Rational abandonment from priority queues: equilibrium strategy and pricing implications.
- Published/Accepted papers
- H. Abouee-Mehrizi, M. Mirjalili, V. Sarhangian, Platelet inventory management with approximate dynamic programming. INFORMS Journal on Computing, To appear. [code]
- M. Naghshbandi, S. Y Huang, H. Shah, C. Yim, E. Lee, M. Caesar, A. Hope, T. C. Y. Chan, V. Sarhangian, Evaluation of a nurse practitioner-led post-discharge transitional care program for patients with liver disease: A retrospective cohort study. Canadian Liver Journal, 2024.
- T. C. Y. Chan, S. Y. Huang, V. Sarhangian, Dynamic control of service systems with returns: Application to design of post-discharge hospital readmission prevention programs. Operations Research, Forthcoming. [code]
- J. Chan, B. Gorgulu, V. Sarhangian, Inventory management with advance booking information: the case of surgical supplies and elective surgeries, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2024. [code]
- J. Dong, B. Gorgulu, V. Sarhangian, What causes delays in admission to rehabilitation care? a structural estimation approach, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2024.
- R. Stephenson, V. Sarhangian, J. Park, A. Sankar, N. N. Baxter, T. A. Stukel, A. N. Simpson, D. N. Wijeysundera, A. S. Wilton, C. de Mestral, S. W. Hang, D. Pincus, R. J. Campbell, D. R. Ubrach, J. Irish, D. Gomez, T. C. Y. Chan, “Evolution of the surgical procedure gap during and after the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada: cross-sectional and modelling study“. British Journal of Surgery, 2023.
- M. Mirjalili, H. Abouee-Mehrizi, R. Barty, N. M. Heddle, V. Sarhangian, A data-driven approach to determine daily platelet order quantities at hospitals. Transfusion, 2022.
- C. W. Chan, V. Sarhangian, P. Talwai, K. Gogia, Utilizing partial flexibility to improve emergency department flow: theory and implementation. Naval Research Logistics, 2022.
- H. Abouee-Mehrizi, M. Mirjalili, V. Sarhangian, Data-driven platelet inventory management under uncertainty in the remaining shelf-life of units. Production and Operations Management, 2022.
- B. Gorgulu, J. Dong, K. Hunter, K. Bettio, B. Vukusic, J. Ranisau, T. Tang, V. Sarhangian, Association between delayed discharge from acute care and rehabilitation outcomes and length-of-stay: a retrospective cohort study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2022.
- J. Toor, I. Saleh, A. Abbas, J. Abouali, P. Wong, T. C. Y. Chan, V. Sarhangian, An anesthesia block room is financially net positive for a hospital performing arthroplasty. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2022.
- M. Anderson, M. Bodur, S. Rathwell, V. Sarhangian, Optimization helps scheduling nursing staff at the long-term care homes of the city of Toronto. INFORMS Journal of Applied Analytics, 2023.
- B. Gorgulu, V. Sarhangian, A Newsvendor approach to design of surgical preference cards. Service Science, 2022.
- C. W. Chan, M. Huang, V. Sarhangian, Dynamic server assignment in multiclass queues with shifts, with applications to nurse staffing in emergency departments. Operations Research, 2021.
- J. Sismondo, V. Sarhangian, E. Borg, E. Roberge, F. H. Berger, Emergency imaging after a mass casualty incident: an operational perspective via a simulation study, Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference, 2021.
- Best Contributed Applied Paper – Finalist
- V. Sarhangian, H. Abouee-Mehrizi, O. Baron, O. Berman, Threshold-based allocation policies for inventory management of red blood cells, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2017.
- V. Sarhangian, H. Abouee‐Mehrizi, O. Baron, O. Berman, N. M. Heddle, R. Barty, Reducing the age of transfused red blood cells in hospitals: ordering and allocation policies, Vox sanguinis, 2016.
- V. Sarhangian, B. Balciog̃lu, A first passage time problem for spectrally positive Lévy processes and its application to a dynamic priority queue, Operations Research Letters, 2013.
- V. Sarhangian, B. Balciog̃lu, Waiting time analysis of multi-class queues with impatient customers, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 2013.
Professional Activities
- Reviewer for journals: Operations Research, Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Stochastic Models, Decision Sciences, Production and Operations Management, Service Science, Naval Research Logistics, Healthcare Management Science, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Journal of the Operational Research Society.
- Professional Memberships: CORS, INFORMS, POMS